What is an EICR, or an electrical inspection report? This is a formal document which is issued after an electrical inspection of the building has been completed. An approved contractor or qualified electrician will conduct the assessment.
After the assessment has been completed, you will receive an EICR Certificate which will prove that you have evidence of the property’s assessment.
What is EICR?
An EICR is essential for both commercial and residential properties. It allows you to determine if the electrical installation is safe and in good condition.
The easiest way to ensure that electrical connections are safe is to rent the property. To ensure the safety of your electrical connections, it is a good idea to have an EICR done on domestic properties every ten year.
Why Do You Need an EICR Certificate?
Here are some reasons why you should get an EICR.
- Upgrading or Replacing Old Connections
An EICR is essential as it will give you an assessment of the age of your installation. If they are too old, you need to replace them or upgrade. The efficiency of electrical connections deteriorates with age. If they are damaged or worn, they can be a fire hazard. The more frequently the EICR should occur, the older the wires.
- Lowering Electric Bills
You should investigate why your property’s electricity bills are rising so you can reduce them and improve energy efficiency. An EICR will tell you about inefficiency in the electrical system, which can lead to higher electrical bills. It includes information about the condition of your electrical connections. The report also provides solutions to help you make them more efficient.
- Safety of Electrics
What is EICR? It is useful in determining the status of an insurance claim. The insurance companies will request the report if there has been an electrical accident. An EICR can be used as evidence to prove that your electrics are safe.
- Intent Maintenance & Upgradation
An EICR report will evaluate your electrical installation and detail its condition. It will also include any necessary maintenance or upgrades.
EICR reports identify faults in the system and whether circuits are overloading. This report will help you take the necessary steps to ensure that your system is in top condition. You won’t have to spend more money as the problem will only get worse over time.
- No Electrical Hazards
The EICR will provide you with peace of mind, which is the most important reason to get it. You will not be worried about electricity hazards. It will be easy to convince tenants that the property is safe if you rent it.