If you are serious about online poker, you will want to set aside a bankroll that you can use so you don’t have to dip into your rent. How much money should you begin with when playing poker?

Each player will have a different starting bankroll. We can provide you with some key guidelines that will help you decide what is best for you.


How much money you will need to begin your poker bankroll depends on several factors.

Poker Games Types

Your poker bankroll will be affected by the type of game you play. tournaments have a high variance. Therefore, the buy-ins required for no limit cash games will be higher.

To be adequately bankrolled for poker tourneys, you should have 100 buy-ins more than your average tournament purchase. This is because you may go through multiple tournaments before you cash out and you could also win a significant amount of money without ever winning. The top 15% of tournament players will usually cash out, meaning that 85% of them won’t.

Cash games have a lower variance than tournaments. Instead of losing money repeatedly before making a big score, you will win between 50-60% of the sessions if you are a good player.

A good poker bankroll is 30 buy-ins per stake level. If you are more conservative, you will want 40-50. All depends on how comfortable you are and whether or not you’re willing to reload your bankroll if your game goes south.

How to choose your poker starting bankroll

Disposable Income

You should never risk money that you cannot afford to lose .

You can choose to start high or low depending on the amount of money that you have. Some people prefer to start with the highest stakes possible, because they have difficulty playing at micro-stakes.

This will also determine the level of management that you use. Most players use a very aggressive bankroll strategy to increase their stakes as quickly as possible. The lower the buy-ins, the greater the risk. For more details to visit เว็บใหญ่

Poker Skills

The amount of money needed to play any particular game will depend on whether or not you are a successful player. If you are a winning player, you will have a bigger edge over your opponents. This means that you’ll be less likely to go broke with a small poker bankroll.

This is evident in live cash games. Players who have an edge over their competitors can bring a small amount to the casino, knowing that they will win the majority of time.

It’s not as important in tournaments as tournaments. This is because variance is a major factor. No matter how good you are, it’s possible to have a bad streak and fail to make significant scores over a long period of time.

This can be very useful when you need to rebuild your poker bankroll, or if you want to make a small sum of money grow into something much bigger. It is the way many well-known poker players started out and it’s the basis of one of the most popular challenges.

Challenge $25 Poker Bankroll

In the early days of online poker when stars were interviewed, they would often say , “I started with $25, then learned to play, and I ran up to hundreds and thousands of dollars.”

Doesn’t that sound good?

Many players still try to achieve the same thing today and make millions with a small investment. These challenges can be used by anyone, whether they are new to poker or have been playing for a long time but want to start taking it more seriously.

Starting with a small poker bankroll forces you to develop strict bankroll management. You need to move up and down in stakes slowly to avoid going bankrupt. You can also play a large number of hands for a small amount of money. This allows you to improve your poker skills before you start playing at higher stakes.


You’ll have to decide what game you want to play before you can start any of these challenges. If you’re looking to play cash games, I recommend that you choose the lowest stakes level offered by your poker site. Most people will play NL2 or 1c/2 with a maximum buy-in of $2. You should start with MTTs, but I recommend that you play sit and goes first. The variance will be lower.

When you are taking on these challenges, it’s crucial that you have a target for when you will increase your stakes. If you are playing cash games, you might want to increase your stakes once you reach 15 buy-ins at the next level. This would be 2/5 (NL5).

It’s crucial that, once you have moved up , you also set a stop-loss for moving back down. Many players are reluctant to move down stakes after they have moved up. They see it as a blow to their ego, and would rather lose money playing at a stake that they cannot beat than go back down and rebuild. Do not be like these players. You should move down in stakes until you rebuild your bankroll.

The topic of knowing when to stop is a good one.


Tilt occurs when emotions are allowed to dictate decisions made at the table. This can lead to bad decisions. Tilt is usually triggered by losing several pots consecutively in unlucky circumstances. Poker players often experience a tilt.

You can put your entire poker bankroll at risk when you tilt. Players will try to win their money back by making outlandish moves and end up giving more to waiting regulars. You’ll notice that you are often emotional when tilting. If you find yourself in this state, you should leave the table, cool down, and then try again.

There is also a flipside to tilt, which is often called ” winner tilt”.. It is a type of overconfidence that can be caused by winning many hands. A player will make many loose bets when they feel this way, believing that it does not matter what they play as everything will work out. It will not happen, eventually the cards are going to catch up with you. If you find yourself getting overconfident after you start winning then set a limit for your profit and stick to that.